Chords are two or more harmonic notes played at the same time Most basic chords are built using three notes Chords are built on their root note (the starting note) The rest of the notes in a chord are determined by the chord quality Chords can be built with dozens of notes, though the result would probably be a huge dissonant mess thatChord voicing refers to where you play the different notes in a chord on the piano It's different than inversion because you don't have to use the same hand to play out the chord A very basic example of this would be playing the C Major chord (CEG) by using your left hand to play an E while playing a C and G with your left hand higher on the pianoF power Chord Below you can find chord diagrams, piano fingerings, guitar fingering, notes, intervals, scales, and arpeggios
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How to play guitar chords with capo on piano